Coming Up With Winning Dissertation Topics In International Business

Getting into the habit of reading business magazines

If you know that you will be required to write a dissertation at some point in the near future, it can be highly advisable to get in the habit of reading relevant business magazines and publications. As well as potentially being interesting to anyone who is studying international business, these magazines and publications will often be full of relevant articles that can be used as inspiration for your own work.

Even if you only need to think of a good topic to write about – and can rely on your own knowledge for the rest of the content - magazines can still be a great way of helping you to think of useful or relevant topics to write about. A good idea is to flick through the pages, looking at any of the titles of articles that you find, and noting down the main subject matter that any interesting articles cover. You can then brainstorm further based on the ideas that you have found.

Coming up with ideas as part of a group

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with good ideas when you are working on your own. A good method to help improve your creativity is to work as part of the group. If you can get together with any fellow students who are studying international business then you can work off each other’s ideas. For example, someone may suggest an ideal topic that you would not necessarily have thought of and this can help to inspire further ideas on your part.

Using the following list to help you come up with good topics

Listed below are some examples of international business topics. Either you can use them exactly as they are, or as inspiration to come up with a winning idea of your own.

  • An examination of tax avoidance by major multinational companies
  • The growth of China and which companies to watch out for in the next decade
  • The role of the internet in developing major international companies
  • The changing role of international companies over the past fifty years
  • A case study of a major international oil company
  • An examination of the motor industry in South Korea over the past two decades
  • A comparison of Japan and South Korea’s technology businesses in the 21st century, particularly in the technology sector
  • A case study of a recent major international merger or acquisition
  • The perils of social media in international businesses
  • The rise and fall of Australia’s mining industry in connection with changing levels of demand from Asian countries